Mini Golf Tips

To some, it is a game that is often kept for fun days out with the family or double dates, but mini golf involves a lot more than you may expect at first glance.

Before you begin there are a few steps you can take to ensure you have a head start on your competition. Whether you’re taking to the mini golf course with friends and family, or you are competing in a local competition where the skill level will vary. We’ve got you covered as you get started.

Here are 4 tips for improving your mini golf game:

1. Pick the right putter
When in your putting position with your hands placed around the middle of the grip, the top you’re putter should be about the same height as your waist.

2. Study the course before you start
Take a quick walk around before the first hole and get a feel for the area. Is there any water hazards? Slopes or dips? Tunnels? Rough or other obstacles?

Understand the surrounding of each hole and what it will offer in terms of rebounds. You will also need to avoid areas that may cause the ball to leave the course.

2. Pick a target
The hole-in-one is not always going to be the best option to go for, you may be better 2 putting a hole. This doesn’t mean you should forget the precision involved when aiming for the hole-in-one. Apply this same principle to place your ball in the position to sink it one your next shot.

3. Monitor your speed
Have a few warm up shots to see how the ball travels on the course, if there is not practice green then pay close attention as you begin the course. Mini Golf courses will vary in speed so you will have to adjust your speed depending on the surface.

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